In our blood



    More than any other country the Eights Values of Free Expression run deep in the roots of the American people. Many take for granted these rights we were given just by being born here. Some do not understand how this is different from many other countries. The Eight Values of Free Expression are 1. Marketplace of Ideas, 2. Participation in Self-Government, 3. Stable Change, 4. Individuals Self-Fulfillment, 5. Check on Government, 6. Promote Tolerance, 7. Promote Innovation, and 8. Protect Dissent.

    The theory that resonates most with me would be Individual Self-Fulfillment. This theory expresses our right to make statements to express who we are and to be able to create an identify for ourselves. This allows us and becomes a part of our human dignity. We should be able to freely express ourselves to the public and build upon our character as people. This one feels the most personal to me because this theory allows us to express ourselves to others allowing whatever we say to reflect as who we are as people.    


 The theory I find most important is to Promote Tolerance. In recent times I find this becoming more necessary with issue such as "cancel culture". In  recent times people are so quick to shut down  anything they disagree with. In order to protect our first amendment right we should not be so quick to shut down or sensor things that we just do not agree with. It goes against everything we stand for as Americans. Cancel culture and this way of thinking will help us get no where. We pride ourselves on not being like other countries where the government won't let you say certain things on social media or in the press so why are we trying to do this to others just
because we cannot agree to disagree. 

    Most active today would be the Check on Government Power. With social media being so huge now we are able to make our voices heard easier. Petitions and other forms of protest can be assessed and distributed much easier. Now when you go on social media such as TwitterFacebook, even Instagram you can see people making their voices heard. One of the newest ways especially Gen-Z has been voicing their opinions has been through TikTok. This has mostly been shown with TikTok stars convincing kids to buy out tickets to Donald Trumps rally during the 2020 election so it would be empty. Another example in the past couple of days has been the expressed anger at what occurred during the Travis Scott Astroworld Festival. We need to be able to us our voices and speak out when we feel like something is wrong. We are lucky that it is easier than ever before to reach people in higher powers to prove our point and make change happen when we all come together. The power of social media should not be overlooked as it one of the best ways for us to tell our governments and those in power of what we agree with but most importantly do not agree with. 

    As Americans I think all these Eight Values of Free Expression should be more important to us than anyone else. This is what our country was built off of ideas that we are created equal. We should have a say in what our government does, we should be free to say what we want without censorship, and we should be able to express ourselves and show who we truly are as people without getting judged for it. 



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