Our History

    In the previous week or so I have looked back at the history of the U.S. Supreme Court. As a junior in college I would say I was shocked to find out how little I was taught about any of this in school up until now. We looked back at the history from the years 1619-1808. 
    After looking back at all these years I learned about new topics and more in depth detail about others such as how early the slave trade really started. I also was interested to find out that when the pilgrims came to America as far back as 1620 they were against slavery and already fighting against these ideas of owning people and treating them as property. I didn't know this and though the fight to slavery started much later. This is why I was so surprised to find out why it took so long to end slavery. If so many people had disapproved of it for so long what took them so long to end? It made me think how some including the Supreme Court were willing to push issue like that to benefit in some way. For example the 1787 Constitutional Convention where they could have stop it but agreed to 3 compromises instead one being the 20 year rule. This is when those up north promised the south they wouldn't bring up slavery for the next 20 years end of discussion. People up north agreed because they were still in some way benefiting from slavery down south. 
    The most important take-away about the Supreme Court that I took was how they judge cases. They have cases that set precedents for other cases. This means it is the first case that establishes a rule, in future cases that are similar to this they try to rule the same way. After looking at the videos and what I've been taught in class I was interested to see how the Supreme Court doesn't hold as much power as I had once thought. Yes they are powerful but that does not me we the people have no say. Hears about the vertical checks and balances system between the Federal Government, State Government, and Individuals is what changed my mind about this. 
    Overall I think everyone should do their own research as you might be surprised
 to find things out. Even things you have heard of before if you dig a little deeper you will be able to know so much more than you thought.


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