Anti-War Censorship


    In the media it is rare that you hear from Anti-War voices and activist. Many people are quick to assume it is due to the fact that there aren't many out there when in reality the government just doesn't want us to hear their opinions. Many would say being Anti-War is a concept that is rejected and looked down upon, almost seen as un-American. When you really look into it and put into question who is rejecting these ideas you come to see the government at the center of this issue.

   The government tends to reject this idea the most maybe because they feel like their decision making has been put into question. To fix this "issue" of people speaking out the government has chosen censorship instead. Websites such as and The American Conservative are two sites that are never seen in mainstream media. This is a way to shut down those that disagree with the government's actions. This censorship should not be allowed because as American's censoring people goes against everything we stand for as a country. 

        Personally, I believe people should be able to voice their opinions even if you may not agree with it or just flat out don't like what they have to say. Today society has become too sensitive and lacks the tolerance we used to have for others' opinions. We cannot resolve today's issues by censuring those we disagree with instead we need to come to a common ground. In recent times this has been troubling because there are extreme opinions on both sides and no middle ground. We need become more tolerant with one another again so we can make progress together. 

    Lately the media has been manipulated by those in power so you can agree with their opinion. This is why today more than ever before you have to do your own research and fact check rather than just believing whatever you have seen on the internet or even mainstream media. With the technology that we have today we can easily gain access to the internet to help us research valid and trustworthy sources. The government will highlight what they want us to see and manipulate our way of thinking/looking at certain issues. It is our job to go out there and make sure we know what is really going on in our country and our world. 


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