The Age of AI

    As we advance so has our technology. Without the past decade AI technology has made tremendous improvements but will it do more harm than good. Should we fear the increase in this new technology, a technology that can track our every move. The race to become an AI is currently being fought between the U.S. and China but it this even a fight we want to win?

    This new future of AI is being made and
embraced by a new generation. In just two years China has made advancements with facial recognition that make it easier to check with no need for credit cards or cashiers. Another advancement they are working on are self-driving vehicles. If this is able to be done properly and adapted by majority of the public, it will result in less care accidents which is a big issue today. The reason why China will be ahead of the United States in a couple year is due to the fact that they use technology so much more than us on a day-to-day basis allowing them to collect more data. AI runs off user data so when they make purchases, online food orders, or even take a bike ride all their data is being collected to make it more user friendly. China even has an app where you can take out a loan in 8 seconds. Within those 8 seconds the algorithm has accessed 5,000 person features from all your data. 

    Although these advancements might seem great it is actually very dangerous. With all the data being collected on us today it is so easy for someone we have never met to know so much about us. With facial recognition and AI being used on streets to track cars and people walking if you have a daily routine, it would be so easy for someone to track you down and know your every move. There is a major privacy issue we are facing today which I go more in debt with one another blog post of mine. Even if you don't see this as an invasion of privacy it is a threat to your income. In the next 15 years about 50% of jobs will be somewhat or extremely threatened by AI. There are some predicting that it wouldn't affect as many blue-collar jobs as it will impact white-collar jobs. The white-collar jobs are easier to taken because they are a pure quantitative analytical process. 

    It may seem more convenient at this time, but later I do feel many people are going to regret this. China right now being a surveillance state might feel like they have mastered technology and the advancements in AI are impressive I just feel like it is going to come back and bit us in the butt. With the growing gap between the rich and the poor and jobs being at risk I think many people need to take a step back and she how much damage this can do. On top of all this we have little to no privacy left we cannot let our lives be run by collected data to target our every move. 





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