Confirmation Bias


    A confirmation bias is the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories. Personally, I believe this has been seen more today than ever before. With the rising strain in our country due to different political beliefs we continue to fight over who is right. This is interesting because when we have a confirmation bias subconsciously when we look for "facts" or "unbiased new sources" we look for sources or "facts" that fit with our political agendas.  

    An example that a classmate provided was that conservatives tend to watch FOX and democrats CNN. Both this news sources lean a certain way so people with those political beliefs tend to with them. Now this isn't to say that just because it is a bias it doesn't include facts at all. It does tend to include the truth, but only the parts that would support your beliefs. We do ignore evidence if it doesn't overlap or support what we believe. 

    This could also be seen in issue with Covid-19 today and the mask mandate. If you are a firm believer that people should get the vaccine and wear mask you are going to find articles that support this. You will look for those articles that show how protective the mask is and how they prevent the spread of Covid-19. You will also try to find sources explains why getting vaccinated will not only protect you but others as well if we all get it and take care of ourselves.  If you disagree with this you will find sources that show why the mask aren't protective and why the vaccine isn't going to do much at all.

Overall, I personally try to avoid the trap of confirmation bias by looking at sources I consider to just report on the facts such as ABC World News Tonight. I actually spoke about why I loved them so much in one of my other blog posts along with 4 other sources of news outlets that I feel provide an honest non-biased opinion on important tops happening today. 


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