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My Relationship with Technology

    Technology has played a huge role in my life. Growing up in a generation where I feel like technology grew with us, I do remember a time without technology, but it didn't take long for it to take over my life. My parents gave my sister and I a flip phone at a very young age just to call in case of emergencies. Later we received knock off blackberry styled phones also mainly just to call. By the 5th grade I had my first iPhone and although many of my peers didn't Facebook had just hit the seen and we were all trying to make accounts. In 6th grade at the age of 12 I remember hearing about Instagram  and Snapchat and without telling my parents anything I made myself accounts. This is when I feel like I became addicted to social media.      My relationship with social media/technology in general isn't healthy and I am well aware that I spend way too much time on my phone. Just this past week my screen time average per day is 6 1/2 hours and this is low. I know during the

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